"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lilly's Cupcake Corner goes "real"

Lilly has spent months making "pretend" cupcakes, muffins, etc. for her business "LILLY'S CUPCAKE CORNER". We made "real" cupcakes on Wednesday. At the grocery on Sunday, she picked out the flavor of cupcakes and frosting.  We put on our aprons and got fixing - small and large cupcakes!  Lilly poured, mixed, baked, frosted, and sprinkled. Then, we wrapped them up on pretty pink plates, attached a note, and delivered them to some of our neighbors. Lilly got some 'assistants' throughout the day - Micah helped with frosting and sprinkling; Kaitlyn (her friend) helped with deliveries. She was so excited to do this. It was a very special day for her.

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