"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Granola Girls

Tuesday evening has become - 'girl time'. Matt takes Micah to baseball practice, giving Lilly and I from 5-7pm to hang out. This week Lilly and I made homemade granola.  The recipe was given to us by our friends Janice & Phil Cook. It is so delicious, I'm going to include the recipe.  The measurements are nice and simple for beginning measurements and fractions.

1/2 c pumpkin seeds
1/2 c sunflower seedsd
1 c almonsd flour or almond meal (buy in bulk or it will be super expensive)
1 c unsweetened coconut
2 c almonds - chopped
1/2 c coconut oil
1/2 c agave (or honey)
2 t vanilla
1/4-1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 bag mini chocolate chips (optional - we did, of course!)

In a bowl, mix dry ingredients well before pouring in wet.  Line a cookie sheet with foil and press mixture down on sheet.  When done cooking, let cool 15-20 minutes and break into snack size pieces.
*All nuts should be raw, not roasted or salted.
Oven temperature:  325 degrees
Time:  20-25 minutes (might be sooner depending on if you adjust the amount of the recipe)

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