"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Homemade bread

We got the bread maker down from the attic - after 10 years - and put it to use this summer.  Our main reason was because the price of bread seemed to have gone up quite a bit and we were wondering if we could make it cheaper - or the same, but healthier.  It was a hit!  The kids loved measuring the ingredients and dumping them into the pan.  Then we waited.  The smell of the house throughout the day was delicious.  Having warm bread for dinner - priceless.  We made lots of loaves, experimented with different recipes and flavors, and liked them all.
When Kyle, one of the neighborhood boys, was over for the day he'd ask "what kind of bread are you making today?"  He liked being in the house with the smell.

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