"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Monday, October 3, 2011

Barton House - Beauty Pageant Escort

During our September visit to the Barton House, Ellen asked Micah to attend their beauty pageant social event and be their escort. She asked him to wear dress pants, a nice shirt, and a tie. Today was the day. The Barton House #1 pageant started at 11:30am, we were to have lunch with them, and then we'd walk over to the Barton House #2 for their pageant at 2:30pm. We love to share Jesus with them on a monthly basis, but the social events are a great opportunity to interact with them more, see more of their personalities, and meet family members. It was an outstanding day!! I was so very proud of both kids. Micah did an amazing job listening to his instructions, being a team player, taking care of the residents, and voting. He walked each participant down the "runway" - by holding their hand or pushing their wheelchair.  Lilly did a terrific job watching, sitting in (or around) her chair, and letting me take pictures and video. It was well organized and we had a great day with our friends!
Here he is with the winners:  Sally, Mary Sue, and Patty.

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