"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Saturday, October 1, 2011


We brought our 'summer sticker charts' to fruition this weekend with a trip to CrackerJax. The kids chose CrackerJax as their prize for reaching the 500 stickers goal. We purchased a great Groupon for four 4-hour tickets to CrackerJax on a weekend day. This Saturday was a perfect day for it - the weather was overcast - cool enough to not sweat the whole time, but still warm enough to be comfortable when we got wet in the bumper boats.  This was our first time to do the bumper boats as a family - it was so fun!  We were all laughing so hard out there.
Lilly was 36" and was able to drive the mini go-karts for the first time.  Micah was able to drive the bumper boats by himself.  It was neat for both of them to reach these milestones.

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