"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watch out for quicksand!

"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand".  While singing this song in church on Sunday, I thought of how pirates sometimes get caught in the quicksand when they are in search of their treasure in unknown territory.  How desperately Jesus wants us to follow Him and let Him guide us in our journey of life.  His way is the best way.  In Micah's Jesus Calling Devotional (kids version by Sarah Young) this week he read:
"I have planned out a perfect path for your life, and I am leading you along that path.  In the distance, you can see the mountaintop.  That's our goal.  I know that you want to go straight to the top, but don't take shortcuts.  Follow Me instead.  Shortcuts can take you into dangerous places.  There will be difficulties along the way, for sure.  But I will use them to bless you with courage and strength.  At times it might even seem that I am leading you away from the goal.  Follow Me anyway.  I have lovingly planned every inch of your journey.  Hold My hand and walk with Me.  When the path gets rocky and steep - when problems get in your way - hold even tighter to My hand.  Together we will make it to the top!"
Verse:  The Lord God gives me my strength.  He makes me like a deer, which does not stumble.  He leads me safely on the steep mountains.  Habakkuk 3:19

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