"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Game Ball!

What a game day!  The weather was cold and windy (like an October day in Indiana; football weather).  It was picture day.  We were playing the Athletic A's for the 3rd time.  The boys played great and we (Matt, Lilly & I) were super proud of Micah's "on" game.  He batted 5 for 5, making at least a base hit each time he was up and bringing in lots of runs.  During the last inning, Micah made the play that coach Scott deemed worthy of today's "game ball".  He stopped the ball, threw it to first base, and the final out of the game was made.  The crowd went crazy and the game was sealed as a win for the CO Rockies! 

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